The 1st grade junior high school students are working on sketches in their art classes. We wonder if they were able to find some popular places on our school grounds?
傑作が描けそう。余裕ですね。 We can draw a masterpiece, no problem!渡り廊下から見たテラスの景色を描いています。 The students are drawing scenery while looking from the overhead crossway.このアングルがいいんです! This is a great angle!学校の森から教会を眺めた景色にチャレンジ。素敵ですね。 The view of Nanzan church seen through the area filled with trees is quite challenging. How wonderful!みんな真剣です。すばらしい作品を期待しています! Everybody is quite serious! We’re hoping to see some great works.いちばん絵になる所だけど、それだけに難しいかな? The is the most common place for students to draw sketches, but it’s still quite difficult.